On lake Atitlan Above the town of Santa Catarina just south of Pana by 2K. Can take a taxi to launch for about 5-7 dollars then pay $2. to launch at the seminary. Ridge soaring by a lake makes glassy conditions with some 200mps cloudsuck. There is another launch at the Mirador (north of town) access by bus for $1.
You have to pay 25Q ($3.5) per takeoff. A guy is up there to get the money.
Minibus leave from north of Panachel to San Andres for 3.5Q (0.50 USD). Get off when the bus takes the direction of Las Cruces , and continue on the road heading to Godinez. After 1 km, there is a dirty road on the right that leads you to the takeoff (in 20 minutes).
海拔 2026米