Oscars Launch, Savona, BC (Native Reserve Land. Please be respectful)
The paragliding launch site, Oscars, boasts a spacious west-facing, gentle slope, mainly comprised of dirt and some grass. Multiple gliders may be set up. The HG launch is situated approximately 100 meters south of Oscars, while multiple lower launches, mainly facing west, southwest, and one east, serve primarily for student training. Access to all launches is possible either on foot, requiring a 1.5 to 2-hour hike to Oscars, or by a 4x4 vehicle, reducing travel time to around 30 minutes.
Navigating the road to Oscars involves encountering multiple bifurcation points. Therefore a local guide is recommended.
The launch falls under Class E airspace at 2200 feet Above Ground Level (AGL), with the Class E ceiling dropping to 700 AGL immediately east of the launch. Flying Cross-Country (XC) in Class E airspace in Canada necessitates passing the HAGAR exam, accessible at https://www.hpac.ca/pilots/transport-canada-air-regs-hagar/hagar/.
The entire site, encompassing launches and Landing Zones (LZs), is situated on native reserve land. The native band generously permits the use of their land for our free flights. Respect towards the band members and their land (roads, parking locations) is essential.
Must have HAGAR to fly class E air space
Must be a member of OSA (https://flyok.weebly.com/) or WCSC (https://www.westcoastsoaringclub.com).
Kamloops Parabums, https://chat.whatsapp.com/KBARQQHLD1j3QFWM0RMsI0
海拔 1047米